All tuition fees are income tax deductible and HST exempt, since Lifespace is certified with Human Resources & Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) as an Educational Institution.
To register for the Program:
- When accepted into the Program, you give a non-refundable deposit of $220 to register for the Program. This non-refundable deposit not only secures you a place in the courses, but it also enables you to actually start your Program with whatever advance preparation you would like to do, and to have sessions with Barbara Forest at her reduced student rate.
- You work out with Barbara the extent of the advance preparation that you would like to do, and obtain the necessary materials and reading lists.
- Your set of Training Manuals costs $50.
- Private Consultations are paid for as they are received.
TUITION FEES (see Current Program)
If you have need of a special payment plan or financial assistance, please discuss this with Barbara.
Lifespace reserves the right to cancel or re-schedule for insufficient enrollment or for other unanticipated reasons. In the case of cancellation by Lifespace, you will have the course fee and deposit returned to you.
Individual consultations and sessions are an additional tuition fee and are paid for as you have them.
Transcript: an Official Transcript acknowledging hours of training completed (both in class and in practica outside of class) is available upon request. There are no minimum requirements for receiving an Official Transcript. Be sure to keep an ongoing record of all your class and practicum hours and dates.
Below: a Lifespace student consults with Barbara for feedback on a tape-recorded session of him as a counsellor.

There are 2 Certificates of Counselling Skills Acquisition:
- Basic Counselling/Psychotherapy Skills (completion of requirements for 1st 2 courses)
- Advanced Counselling/Psychotherapy Skills (completion of requirements for last 2 courses)
Students must demonstrate acquisition of the skills under study to receive each Certificate.
Click on Current Program for a summary of the Program, Schedule, and Tuition Fees.
Note: students have the option of choosing to work with an approved outside consultant who is versed in the processes under study, instead of with Barbara, for many of the private counselling sessions. In addition, some students might have their own therapist, outside of the Lifespace program, and are supported in continuing, as desired.
Trainer Certificates
Graduates and Advanced Students (who are working on completing their Certificates in Transformational Counselling) can work with Barbara and assist with the Core Courses to acquire Trainer Certificates. Or, they might wish Barbara to assist them with a training or mutual-help group that they are starting. Details to be worked out with Barbara.