Barbara Forest, PhD, Lifespace Director & Core Trainer
Barbara is a leader in the field. While maintaining her own private practice, she has been training lay helpers and professionals for over 50 years in both traditional and innovative settings (e.g., creating a prevention-oriented skills-training social service organization—Human Service Community, Inc.). Her method is an inspiring life-changing process that enriches both your inner and outer life.
Here is a very brief summary of her career as a transformational experiential in-depth therapist and trainer, teaching a comprehensive set of Transformational Psychotherapy processes. At Lifespace, Barbara provides training in a wide spectrum of methodologies, emphasizing the experiential, humanistic, and transformational. All levels of inner work are covered: the somatic (bodily sensations), mental and emotional, plus attunement to spiritual (Life energy) principles.
Background of Barbara Forest, PhD (Highlights)
1967: | B.Sc. double honours, Biology & Psychology at York University. Received the National Research Council Centennial Scholarship for entering Ph.D. studies. (Barbara was selected as one of the top 50 graduates across Canada—funded for 4 years: tuition, living expenses and research). Started Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology at University of Waterloo. Included 4 summers of 4-month internships in different clinical settings. |
1968: | Started training with Ralph Bierman, PhD: high level counselling skills training, plus training in how to effectively train others. Supervised weekly by Dr. Bierman as a counsellor (including working as a counsellor in U of W Student Counselling Services) until 1976 (with more recent supervision every so often). |
1969: | Began training counsellors in psychotherapy processes, supervised weekly by Dr. Bierman until 1976 (with more recent supervision every so often). |
1972: | M.A. in Psychology at U of W (also obtained “ma!”—son is born 1972; daughter, 1974). |
1976: | Ph.D. in Psychology at University of Waterloo (mainly courses in Clinical Psychology, with extra courses from the Human Relations Department). |
1967-1982: | Wide variety of both traditional and innovative settings (as a therapist and as a trainer). Explored a variety of spiritual trainings. |
1972-1978: | Co-implemented Human Service Community, Inc. (preventive social service), on a team directed by Dr. Bierman, setting up mutual help networks in Guelph, and training trainers to carry on the work. |
1977-1978: | Two 1-month summer intensives in Vipassana (Insight) Meditation (2 weeks “karma yoga”—service, and 2 weeks meditation). |
1978-1980: | Staff member for 2 years at Twin Valleys School—a residential treatment centre for adolescents. Twin Valleys was run by EDL—Emissaries of Divine Light—and I attended the various EDL Spiritual Leadership Training courses at other EDL centres (including the 1 month and 2 month residential intensives). This was the clearest and most powerful presentation of Spiritual Truth Principles, and of our responsibility to bring that into manifestation, that I had encountered (and was why I lived at Twin Valleys). |
1980: | Moved to Toronto and began a private practice and conducting psychotherapy skills training groups. Developed my 7-step method, incorporating spiritual principles along with in-depth therapeutic transformational processes. |
1982: | Established Lifespace Institute of Transformational Psychotherapy and Counsellor Training (Toronto). |
1985-approx. 2000: | Field Faculty Member for Norwich University (Vermont, U.S.A): Supervising M.A. student programs & theses. |
2000-2004: | Faculty Member for Mount St. Vincent University (Halifax, N.S.). Teaching my counsellor/psychotherapy training material as M.A. level courses. |
1999:1999-Present: | First grandchild is born! (I now have 6!) Certified with OACCPP (Ontario Association of Consultants, Counsellors, Psychometrists and Psychotherapists). This included an examination of my therapeutic methods, and requires ongoing Professional Development. |
1963-Present: | Continuing my Professional Development: participating in a broad range of ongoing training and experience in psychotherapeutic and spiritual disciplines. (Included intensive training in New Code NLP with John Grinder and his group, Gestalt, Gendlin’s Focusing, Carkhuff’s communication training workshops, relationship counselling, play therapy with children, Cognitive & Behavioural Therapy, Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing, AutoSomatic Training with Phil Walsh, Therapeutic Touch with Delores Krieger, the Radiance branch of Reiki, Attunement with EDL, and Expressive Arts Therapy, etc.) |
1982-Present: | Instructor/Trainer for other groups, schools, agencies, etc. |
2007-Present: | Member of a Playback Theatre Troupe (led by David Jurasek) and training & performing in improvisational theatre, clowning, and improvisational singing. |
1982-Present: | Directing and teaching the psychotherapy training courses at Lifespace Institute of Transformational Psychotherapy and Counsellor Training (Toronto). Also: supervising student therapists and working with private clients, both individuals & couples. Writing training manuals and a book on the transformational principles and processes. Ongoing professional supervision/consultations with colleagues in the field. |

In addition to Barbara Forest, PhD, the Core Faculty member, other Faculty Resources are available to teach Module 3 and 4 courses, with sufficient student interest, and to offer support to the Module 1 & 2 programs.
The opportunity is available to Lifespace Graduates and Advanced Students to train as Trainers and to assist with the Core Program and supplementary courses.